City of Cape Town Annual Report 2022/23
Integrated annual report for the year ended 30 June 2023
The City of Cape Town’s integrated annual report provides an overview of the municipality’s delivery on its strategic plans and initiatives outlined in the Integrated Development Plan (2022–2027). The City is emboldened by their vision for Cape Town to be a city of hope for all, and they are making progress across a range of strategic priority areas.
This integrated annual report summarises the progress made in the first full financial year of their term of office as they build towards the long-term vision of a city of hope for all. As you will see from the report, the City is making encouraging progress towards the priorities outlined in its new Integrated Development Plan 2022–2027.
The City’s 2022/23 integrated annual report marks further progress in the commitment to integrated, transparent and holistic reporting. The City values being accountable to all their stakeholders, including residents, investors, business partners and other spheres of government.
In line with the comprehensive framework prescribed by the International Integrated Reporting Council, this report tells their story of value creation with precision, clarity, openness and transparency.
Gareth Morgan
Executive Director: Future Planning and Resilience
Carol January
Director: Organisational Performance Management
Monique Fillies
Manager: City Performance Management
Willem Claassens
Project Manager of the City’s Integrated Annual Report
Aletta Kruger
Corporate Publications
Bruce Sutherland
David Valentine
Director: Treasury, Treasury Services
Yolande Zeelie
Design agency: Arc SA
Project Manager: Leana Hubbard
DTP: Junaid Jacobs
Proofreading: Janine Brits