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From the archives

Posted on Oct 11, 2009 by in Uncategorized | 2 comments

So I have found another little personal gem which I totally forgot about. Seeing as I’m in Stellenbosch and not at home on the farm where I grew up, I am not able to get all the stuffs from my previous life time at the moment. There is soooo much stuff that I still want to put up here, but it is all at home on the farm so I can only get it the next time I visit my folks on the ranch. But I suddenly remembered that I had a Myspace account a million years ago, which never really turned into anything because nobody I knew THEN was on Myspace. It entirely materialised from boredom on the farm with only a dial-up Internet connection to keep me busy (fuuuuuuuuck!!!). So anyway I went there and got these images of paintings I made in high school. These are from 2004 – 2005 so it isn’t that long ago even though it feels like a life time ago. So much has happened in my life since then and I can hardly remember the person I was then. Anyway, check the images out and if you want to see the actual masterpieces (ha!) then visit Van Brakel Stoor in Caledon. They are keeping the walls company there. =)


  1. Thank u! Have been working hard on it.

  2. Oh Samuel – I had NO idea what talent you had! Like the look of your new blog!

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