Post Your Speech Box
So it has been quite some time since my last post, but let me tell you, this kid has been kinda all over the place. I fucking graduated! Wahooooo!! Anyway, the last couple of weeks, I spent most of my time with family and friends either in Cape Town or at home on the farm in Caledon, because the last two weeks before my final exhibition/exam, I worked my little arse off. Luckily it all paid off! I went for my first job interview three days later and got my results back on that same day. I was quite satisfied, but I would have like two or three percent more just for myself, because I know that nobody else really gives a flying fuck what I got. People just want to know that you got your degree either as is or cum laude, which I didn’t, unfortunately, but I never really thought I would so nobody was let down. I did get enough to allow me to do my masters degree if I so wish, but let’s leave that for the future.
So here is the final project I did for my exhibition. It’s basically a type of post box to post whatever you have to say in. Your “speech” is to be classified as either free speech, hate speech or clearspeech and this somehow makes the viewer aware of their utterances. I made a tongue of felt and cotton to put on top of the speech box and I even put a little light inside (mission!!!). Ideally, the little light inside would go on once you’ve put your speech inside the box and closed the lid, but my knowledge of electricity and currents only goes so far. It did look really cool, so I was totally satisfied! This whole thing, of course, fits in nicely with my whole Clearspeech campaign as it is supposed to do.
More pictures after the jump. =D