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Smart Living Handbook design

Posted on Sep 18, 2020 by in Publication Design |

Lindie Buirski: Project Manager
Anna du Plessis: Account Director
Junaid Jacobs: DTP & finished Art
Aletta Kruger: Corporate Publications
Janine Brits: Proofreading
Printed by Tandym Print in Cape Town

Launched in 2007 for the first time, this is the fifth edition of the City of Cape Town’s Smart Living Handbook.The handbook was developed to make sustainable and resilient living a reality for all residents. It provides practical steps that households can take to make their homes safer and save them money, while also reducing their environmental impact.

Different types of households are faced with different environmental issues. High-income households may find that they are high consumers of electricity and need to explore ways to reduce their consumption. Informal households, on the other hand, may find that their greatest problem is householders’ health and safety due to the unsafe use of energy. The City hopes that this handbook will be relevant and useful to all Cape Town homes.

This publication aims to provide residents with information and practical actions to implement in order to protect the environment, save money and make their homes a safer place to live in. Each of the six chapters (Water, Waste, Energy, Environment, Transport and Heritage) provide key challenges, what the City is doing to manage the resource or issue, what the resident can do at home, and practical resources and steps for implementation.

The printed publication is used in face-to-face educational workshops, but it is, like all City publications, also available online.

The publication was also accompanied by exhibition and activation materials such as wall and roller banners and vehicle branding.

View the full publication here.

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