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UNICEF COVID-19 & Beyond book design

Posted on Mar 23, 2023 by in Book Cover Design |

The concept of ‘COVID-19 & Beyond: Through A Youth Lens’ was born out of the recognition that the impact of the pandemic years on children and young people has largely not been told through the eyes of youth themselves. The project engaged young people to help them express their stories through words and visual imagery about how they navigated the COVID-19 years at a transitional moment in their lives. The book provides a reflection and powerful account of resilience and determination to build a safer, fairer and better society for every child – for everyone.  

In March 2020, South Africa and the world shut down to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Three years on and the pandemic has had a devastating impact on children and young people. Parents and loved ones were lost, education was disrupted, and the mental wellbeing of a whole generation was affected. For adolescents, coping during this period was particularly tough during such a transitional period in their lives. 

The COVID-19 & Beyond: Through a Youth Lens project was conceived to provide a space for young people to reflect on their lives during that time and to document, through photography and storytelling, this tragic and historical experience. Their powerful images and stories speak to a time of uncertainty but also one of learning and looking forward to how young people can play a leading role in helping to build a safer, fairer, and better South Africa for every child – for everyone.    

Contact me | +27 (0)83 359 2837 | © Sam van Straaten